terabox for pc

TeraBox MOD APK for PC

System Requirements for TeraBox APK MOD for PC

Operating System

Windows 7 or Above




2 Gigabytes


Flextech Inc.


Core i3


Administrative Rights

Download TeraBox for PC

Are you tired of using different cloud storage applications to store your data? Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to keep track of your files and where you store them. A lot of people spend most of their time looking for files and end up missing important tasks. This problem is because all the cloud storage applications offer limited storage to users.

If you’re looking for a cloud storage platform that offers unlimited storage and runs smoothly on your computer, TeraBox MOD APK for PC is the right choice. This modified version of the TeraBox is designed to offer unlimited free storage and many other benefits.

A lot of people complain that MOD APK files do not work efficiently on the PC, but if you follow our guide, you’ll be able to get full access to the premium features with very little effort.


System Requirements for TeraBox APK MOD for PC

Minimum RequirementsMinimum Requirements
Operating SystemWindows 7 or Above
ProcessorCore i3 or equivalent
RAM2 Gigabytes
Storage100MBs of free space
OthersAdministrative Rights

TeraBox MOD APK for PC Features

TeraBox is a cloud storage platform that offers users space to store their files and use them whenever they want. However, the application is mainly created for mobile phones; you can also use it on your PC. There are different features that TeraBox APK MOD for PC offers, and those features are:

  • TeraBox for PC offers unlimited storage to keep all your files in one place.
  • Security of the data is very important these days. TeraBox ensures that all of the files are kept safely without any danger to the user’s privacy.
  • If you lose your data, TeraBox has got you covered with the Automatic Backups features, which allows you to access your data anytime you want
  • If you use different devices, you can access TeraBox on all your devices and use the files simultaneously.
  • If you’re having some issues with the TeraBox, you can avail yourself of priority support and get answers to your queries.
  • It has never been this easy to share files with anyone you want. You can choose your own privacy settings and share the files with a specific group or with everyone.
  • If you’ve stored a lot of files in the TeraBox, you can easily manage them with the AI-enabled system.
  • If you are keeping any sensitive data in the TeraBox, you can secure it with customized passwords for an extra layer of privacy.
  • If you’re sharing your files with multiple people, you can use the Direct Download links to make it easier for everyone to download the files.

Apart from the above-mentioned features, there are many other interesting features that you can get in the TeraBox for PC. These features make it the best choice for free cloud storage solutions. You can use it for all types of files on all occasions.

How to download TeraBox MOD APK for PC?

It is very easy to download the TeraBox MOD application on a PC. You can click the download button, and the file will automatically download. Once the download is complete, you can install it. However, it is not simple to install the application on a PC. If you’re looking to install the TeraBox on your PC, you’ll first need an Emulator application. For those who don’t know what an emulator is, it is software that helps you operate your PC as an Android system. So, to run any application that is only designed for Android systems, you will need an emulator first. So, below, we will discuss how to install TeraBox MOD APK for PC using BlueStacks and list some alternatives, too.

Download TeraBox for PC

How to Install TeraBox MOD APK using Bluestacks Emulator?

BlueStacks is one of the famous emulators that everyone uses to run Android applications on their PC. It is mainly famous for its simple and easy-to-use interface. You can easily find your way around this software even if you’re a newbie. You will get a separate window when you open the emulator; this window will perform as an Android system.

Here’s how you can install TeraBox MOD APK for PC using BlueStacks:

  • Download the BlueStacks and install it on your computer
  • Locate the TeraBox MOD file and drag it into the BlueStacks interface
  • Install the TeraBox Application and start using it

What are some of the other alternative Emulators for TeraBox Download for PC?

If you are looking for some other alternative applications to run TeraBox on your PC, you can try the following emulators:

How to Uninstall TeraBox from PC?

If you feel that TeraBox for PC isn’t the right choice for you or you don’t feel right using it through an emulator, you can uninstall it from your computer.

As you know, you are using a TeraBox APK file on your computer. You cannot uninstall it like you remove other software applications from your computer. You’ll need to use the emulator to uninstall the application and all its files. So, here we will use BlueStacks as an example to explain the process:

  • Open the BlueStacks on your computer and click on the “My Games” tab
  • Look for the TeraBox icon and right-click on the TeraBox application
  • Once you right-click on the icon, you can click on the “Uninstall” button

It is very easy to uninstall the application, but you’ll surely miss the amazing features of TeraBox when you delete it.


Yes, you can use the TeraBox application on a PC or laptop, too. The best thing about this application is that you can use the same account on both mobile and laptop.

Yes, TeraBox is safe to use on all types of devices. However, there are some risks associated with losing all the data in case of a policy violation.

TeraBox offers 1TB of free storage that users can use to store their data. Moreover, there are no extra charges to get this space; all you need to do is sign up.

If you remove a file from your TeraBox account, you can use the recycle bin to locate and recover the file. The recycle bin stores the deleted files for 30 days.

Yes, you can use the TeraBox on your laptop and computer. All you need to do is download and install the application.

Although the original TeraBox application offers limited storage, users can get unlimited free storage without any charges.

You can store all types of files in the TeraBox cloud storage. There is no limitation to the type of the file.