Privacy Policy

The information on is general and it is for entertainment. Still, it’s worth keeping in mind that the information on our Website is designed to carry general informational purposes only. We provide the information as it is and you use it under your initiative and risk. However, we strive to keep the information relevant and true. But we do not offer any warranties or representations, implied or express about the relevant graphics on the site, suitability, reliability, accuracy, and completeness. Therefore, please be aware that this type of information can be used only as advice, and in your destination, you may face similar or even more threats that this advice does not include.

External Links Disclaimer

We may provide access to different websites apart from, but it should be highly noticeable that such links are offered for recommending and referential purposes only. The content and messages of these outside sites are beyond our reach. We cannot influence their accuracy, integrity, relevance, timeliness, and completeness. In addition, we do not endorse the views of the linked resources. Rather, links are included for the convenience of readers. Care should be taken while addressing external links and advised to keep abreast of unfamiliar links.

Software Disclaimer

We could come up with the information about the third programmer’s application but not be a serious one (called “Mods”). We review and analyze the process and functions they offer as a package; however, we emphasize that the application of this software is not our core focus. Pirated or unauthorized software is highly discouraged. Users attest to checking that their use of the software accords with all laws and regulations.

Affiliate Disclaimer

Along with this, there is a possibility that when referring to our Mod APK, our content may include affiliate links. This feature of our site enables us to receive a commission on purchases made through links, which we have inserted into the text. But there’s no need to worry as none of this extra expense is coming from your end. The money from the affiliation vehicle links provided on our site also serves the purpose of maintaining and improving our Website.

This disclaimer informs our visitors to follow all terms and conditions and privacy policy. Information, on our site is authentic but you cannot claim for it because it is taken from the media resources. These are based on the experiences and public or general opinion. It is vital to take check its before relying on it. We use general content, if any service has linked to the site. If any visitors want to know the news resources, we do not provide the links. All our resources are confidential and we do not share it with visitors, audience and others.

It may affect differently because its outcomes can be different for different persons. This is a news website, and its content is general and common. All this news is suitable for informed adults. People of all ages can access the site.

Changes to Disclaimer

We reserve the right to revise, amend, or update this disclaimer page at our discretion and without prior notice. By using our Mod Apk, you agree to be bound by the current version of this disclaimer. We encourage users to periodically review this disclaimer to stay informed about any modifications that may affect their usage of our platform.

Terms and Conditions for Using Our Site

By following all these terms and conditions you can avail our best services. 

  • Do not misuse the services. Do not interfere with the services of the site. Cookies are applied for the safety of the knowledge. 
  • These services can only be used as per the rules and regulations
  • To avoid insecurities, the instructions and interface are used to keep the data secure and protected. 
  •  All the data is permitted to be read and used by law, including re-export control regulations, laws, and applicable export. 
  • The services of the sites can be suspended for users who do not follow the rules and regulations. In case of misconduct, the site can stop providing services to the users. 
  • The site can investigate suspected activities and misconduct in this case. 

Thanks for using our services. It is very important to brief here that the data and the content published on the site are completely safe. It is for the user’s acknowledgment. Do not misuse these services. By using our services, you must agree with the terms and conditions of the site. Read the data carefully and cooperate with the admin of the site. All the services of the site are extremely diverse. The additional terms and requirements are added to it. It will help you in using the data in the best and secure way. 

If any amendment is required regarding your submitted information, you have to mail it to rectify the error or for the correction.

User’s Account, Security, and Password

We provide you with complete security of your activities on the site with expert management. Keep your Account secure with the website. You do not need to go through the registration process because we do not need it. It is your responsibility that you have to maintain the Account confidentially. Once you agree, you have to follow these terms. No need for a password or registration; this makes the process easy for visiting the site. Make sure that you have exited your Account always at the end of the session. Website is not responsible for any damage and loss due to failure to comply with the TOS.

Any data that is managed by a third party must be processed according to the terms of this privacy policy as per the Data Protection Act. Trademarks and Copyright in images of the product and descriptions are only associated with the distributors and manufacturers as per the Data Protection Act of 1998/2003.

While we strive to provide valuable and accurate information, users must exercise caution and diligence when engaging with our content and external links. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated as we work towards maintaining your integrity and reliability.